TDPS Leadership

SanSan Kwan, Department Chair
The Chair oversees the department's teaching, curriculum, research, and public programming. The Chair is responsible for the recruitment, selection, and evaluation of faculty and staff personnel; making teaching assignments; preparing budgets and administering the financial affairs of the department; and maintaining a climate that is hospitable to creativity, diversity, and innovation.

Abigail De Kosnik, Department Vice Chair
The Vice Chair is responsible for providing leadership in the areas of public programming and production, ensuring these realize our curricular goals and fulfill our departmental mission of critical inquiry, creative expression, and public engagement. The Vice Chair also assists the Department Chair in fulfilling a range of department duties.

Roshanak Kheshti, Head Graduate Advisor
The Head Graduate Advisor (HGA) chairs the Graduate Executive Committee and is the Department’s officially designated faculty liaison for the Ph.D. Program in Performance Studies. With the committee, the HGA oversees all matters concerning graduate admissions, program requirements and policy, and student progress.

Jean-Paul Gressieux, Department Manager
The Department Manager reports directly to the Department Chair and is responsible for full general operation of the Department of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies. Administrative oversight includes finance, people and culture, IT, facilities, and student services.

Jamila Cobham, Production Manager
The Production Manager is responsible for the oversight of all productions and production facilities in the Department of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies. This position supervises production staff in Zellerbach Hall, maintains the annual production budgets, and teaches various production courses on an as needed basis.