General Questions
Why is the Department called Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies?
Our discipline has changed as an artistic practice and as an academic field in the last two decades. Our Department changed its name in 1999 in order to reflect our commitment to offering the best mix of our field’s traditional history and its contemporary innovations.
The term “Theater” marks all of our efforts to support the study and practice of the theatrical event, not only as a form of dramatic literature, but also as an imagistic, gestural, auditory, spatial, and technically complex project. While we have had a dance program for much of our history, the term “Dance” was only recently added to the official name, foregrounding dance practice and dance history as a central player in our Department’s self-definition. And finally, the term “Performance Studies” signals our relationship to one of the most fundamental alterations in the way scholars have re-imagined the “interdisciplinary” nature of performance.
As artists increasingly draw from a range of media—crossing dance and theater, film and dance, theater and new technology—performance studies reflects a commitment to exposing our students to a range of artistic genres. As artists and scholars increasingly imagine themselves in relation to a variety of global and popular performance forms—thinking about the social role of carnivals and festivals, of television and rock concerts, of protests and raves—performance studies reflects our commitment to asking students to see their work in relation to a variety of performance forms in our culture and around the world.
Why do you encourage Dance majors and Theater majors to study together?
We feel that today’s artistic climate requires a range of artistic skills and a facility between and amongst genres. Additionally, our requirements in history, literature, culture, and theory offer a chance for performers in different sub-fields to see themselves in relation to longer and wider traditions of performance experiment, an experience that reflects on the work of both theater and dance practitioners.
Do I have to audition or apply to get into TDPS majors?
No. Once you are accepted for admission to UC Berkeley, you may study in any department. You are required to take some pre-requisites (a dance/theater course and a performance studies course) before declaring your major. This is to reassure you (and the Department) that you will be able to handle the technical and intellectual work of the coursework. You do audition for individual acting classes, and you do audition to be cast in theater or dance productions.
How do the TDPS undergraduate programs rank in comparison to similar programs?
Our Department is most noted for its critical studies, its cross-disciplinary experimental stage work, and its productions related to social action. It is also known for housing a leading doctoral program in our field and for preparing undergraduates for leading M.F.A. programs.
Beyond that, there are no standard rankings for theater/dance programs at American universities. In part, this has to do with the relatively small sizes of most programs and the difficulty of standardizing quality. Even word-of-mouth reputation can be outdated since so many university acting programs that began in the 1960s no longer have the faculty or exact fields of study that established their fame. We are proud to promote cross-disciplinary performance practice and scholarship at one of the leading research universities in the world.
How many students are in the Department?
Approximately 300 total majors and minors:
- 100 Theater Majors and 100 Theater Minors
- 50 Dance Majors and 50 Dance Minors
Can I take TDPS classes if I'm not in the major?
Yes, our courses are open to non-majors, though many fill quite quickly. Some practical classes do require auditions; other over-subscribed courses do give preference to majors.
I’m a junior transfer and I’d like to major in TDPS. Am I too late?
No. You can fulfill the requirements for the Dance and Performance Studies Major or the Theater and Performance Studies Major in four semesters.
Contact our Undergraduate Academic Advisor, Laxmi Kumaran, to make a plan of study.
Can I transfer theater or dance course credit from another college or university?
Most all of the units you have taken will transfer into UC Berkeley into your degree from the College of Letters and Science. The only course that regularly transfers into the major, however, is your beginning acting course, taken at a community college or 4-year college. If you took other courses in a 4-year college or abroad, you may transfer into the major up to 8 units of elective credit with courses that are comparable to or complementary to the courses offered here at TDPS. These courses will need to be approved by the Undergraduate Advisor, Faculty Advisor, or the Faculty Member teaching the comparable course.
What do your alumni do with a theater or dance degree?
Some go directly into M.F.A. programs, such as Yale School of Drama, NYU, or Northwestern University; others decide to enter a Theater or Performance Studies Ph.D. Program, such as those found at UC Berkeley, Stanford, Northwestern, NYU, or many others throughout the world. Some move to New York, Los Angeles, or San Francisco to work as actors, dancers, directors, designers, technicians, or by starting their own group or production company. Others move to Hollywood to work in the film and television community in front of or behind the camera. Still others go into a variety of professions in the social, corporate, legal, and arts sectors.
We are proud of the ways our graduates have used their critical and expressive skills toward successful careers as professional artists in dance, theater, and experimental performance as well as in law, advertising, human resources, publishing, radio, technology, social work, and in all aspects of non-profit and business administration.
How can I get connected or stay connected to TDPS?
TDPS students receive regular email updates from the Department with the most current information on auditions, course enrollments, productions, special events and lectures, ticket offers, internships, career opportunities, and more. If you would like to be on our email list, please join here.

Academic Questions
Do you have a handbook for TDPS majors?
Do you have any documents that will help me plan my time in TDPS?
Yes, please see Enhancing Your TDPS Elective Experience, which provides examples of possible courses of study.
Can I meet with an advisor to talk about my studies in your Department?
Yes, our Undergraduate Academic Advisor is available by appointment in 15 Dwinelle Hall. We strongly recommend that you thoroughly read the Undergraduate Handbook and related information on our website before making an appointment with any staff or faculty member.
How large are TDPS classes?
The Department is committed to keeping the theater, dance, and technical training courses to 20 students or fewer in a conservatory model. Performance studies courses may be larger due to their lecture format, but are often connected with smaller discussion sections of 20 students or fewer.
Does the Department offer an Honors Thesis option?
Yes. An Honors Thesis or Project is not a requirement for graduation, but rather an opportunity for a student to deepen their research with a project of particular interest to them. Students may apply to complete a year-long Honors Thesis or Project. It may take two forms: a semester of research followed by a semester of writing a 60-page thesis, or a semester of research followed by a semester culminating in a creative project or performance. Most Honors Projects begin in the fall and conclude in the spring. Proposals are due the February before the two-semester commitment. Please visit the Honors Projects page for more information, or contact the Undergraduate Academic Advisor if you have any questions regarding your proposal.
Are there opportunities for me to create my own performances?
Yes. We have a number of opportunities for student-written, student-directed, and student-choreographed work to receive departmental support. These student-initiated shows in the departmental season are awarded competitively after review of formal proposals. If you’re interested in submitting a proposal for a student-written or student-directed work, we strongly encourage you to speak with a faculty advisor as soon as possible so that you may submit a strong proposal to the evaluating committee. Performance-based proposals are due in February each year. Refer to the Theater 196 section of the Capstone Experiences page for more information.
Also see another two-semester option for proposing your own work in the preceding Honors Thesis question.
Does the Department offer course credit for internships?
Yes. Many students have completed unpaid, off-campus internships for departmental credit at theater companies, television stations, etc. You will need to choose a faculty member to be your supervisor for this course and fill out the application form by the 12th week of the semester before the internship is scheduled to begin. Check with the Undergraduate Advisor for help in locating possible internships. Other pre-requisites are outlined on the Capstone Experiences page.
Does the Department offer opportunities for me to teach a course as a student?
The DeCal Program offer students the chance to propose teaching something that they have trained in or feel passionate about. Students may propose a course, and if approved, will work with a faculty member to create a course description, syllabus, and semester-long class. Application forms are due the 8th week of the semester before the DeCal course is scheduled to begin. Visit the Capstone Experiences page for details, or check with the Undergraduate Advisor for help in creating possible DeCal courses.
Does the Department have independent study opportunities?
Yes. Students may create an independent study proposal with any faculty member and fill out the application form by the 12th week of the semester before the independent study is scheduled to begin. Other pre-requisites are outlined on the Capstone Experiences page.
Do I have to perform in shows as a Theater and Performance Studies major?
No, you do not have to perform to fulfill all of the participations required of the major. You can opt to participate in a variety of other ways (technical, design, directorial, etc). For more specific questions regarding production rules and opportunities, see the Production FAQ.

Dance-Related Questions
What kind of dance do you teach?
The Dance and Performance Studies Major is focused on modern/contemporary dance technique, choreography, performance, and research. On occasion, we have offered courses on Ballet for the Contemporary Dancer and African Dance. Other dance courses (ballet, tap, jazz, folk dance, hip-hop, ballroom, and modern) are offered by the Physical Education Program, but these courses are not connected with the Dance and Performance Studies Major. They are, however, wonderful complementary trainings to your work here in the Department. Excellent ballet courses are also available through Berkeley Ballet Theater, Oakland Ballet School, and San Francisco Ballet School.
What are distinguishing characteristics of the Dance and Performance Studies major?
Our dance program is notable in that:
- It is small;
- It demands intensive commitment to technical training;
- It provides many opportunities for self-initiated and group-initiated creative dance projects;
- It fosters an intellectual grasp of the many issues associated with the world of modern/contemporary dance.
The foundation is four levels of daily modern technique that build core strength and develop alignment. The program offers a three-semester creative cycle of courses that lead a student into Department-sponsored independent choreographic projects. Additionally, the Department provides numerous performance opportunities each year to its students. Choreographers for these projects may be guest professionals, faculty, or students. We are fortunate to be able to draw on the wealth of Bay Area dance teachers and choreographers for our studio classes. Performance Studies courses include the study of the history of dance, world dance forms, and the broader study of performance with movement being one of several media. The dance faculty is particularly interested in the development of conceptually-founded multi-disciplinary projects.