Undergraduate Advising
Students are encouraged to meet with the Undergraduate Academic Advisor at least once a semester to create an academic program plan and track educational progress. The goal of advising is to create the optimum educational and artistic experience, and prepare you for whatever path you choose to take.

Undergraduate Academic Advisor
Laxmi Kumaran
Schedule An Appointment(link is external)
laxmik@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)
Current or prospective students may contact Laxmi about course requirements, declaring a major or minor, capstone experiences, or any questions related to TDPS undergraduate programs.
Peer Advisors
Peer Advisors are TDPS majors who are familiar with the department, actively use student advising, take advantage of the opportunities and courses offered here, and are willing to talk about their TDPS experience. They are available to email, video chat, or talk on the phone with current or prospective students.

Noah Brennan-Cooke
Major: Theater & Performance Studies
Focus Areas: Acting & Technical Theater
Email: noahbc@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)
"Coming to Berkeley, I knew I wanted to pursue my studies as an actor. What I did not know is I would soon find myself diving into the wider world of theater, developing an interest in technical theater and even directing! I’m also planning on minoring in either history or politics, philosophy, and law. Message me if you have any questions about the TDPS major, especially if they’re about the acting or technical aspects. Also, feel free to ask me about any theater related student organization, since Berkeley has a large selection of student-led campus groups that are great if you want more chances to perform and grow your theater skills."

Yuki Cun
Minor: Data Science
Focus Area: Performance
Pronouns: she/her
Email: yukicun@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)
"Coming into Cal, I had a hard time adjusting to college out of high school and had no idea what I wanted to major in. I also didn’t have any TDPS or dance-related classes my first semester, which after fourteen years of ballet training, made me feel out of place without any dancing in my schedule. After my first semester, I began taking classes with the TDPS department, which made me realize how essential dance classes were to my college routine for maintaining my academic and mental state. I am currently pursuing a double major in Dance & Performance Studies and Cognitive Science with a Data Science minor. I mainly focus on improvisation and dancing, and in the future, I would like to research the neuroscience of kinesthetic movement. All of my peers, professors, and mentors in TDPS have been incredibly supportive, and as a creative, they have inspired me to believe that I can achieve anything I set my mind to. Feel free to ask me questions about double majoring, program planning, classes, clubs/decals (I’ve done and tried out for Art for Animation, Cal Create, WiCDS, BC@B, and Sigma Psi Zeta), or life! Welcome to Cal, and Go Bears! Remember, you got this!"

Ellis Emerson
Major: Dance & Performance Studies
Focus Area: Performance
Pronouns: they/she
Email: ellisemerson@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)
"I started dancing when I was four years old in baby ballet classes and continued with ballet for 14 years before coming to Berkeley. I was a little intimidated by trying new styles of dance but Berkeley is an amazing environment to try new things. Professors and peers are super welcoming and encouraging. I’ve had incredible experiences performing in TDPS shows and am excited to explore the production and design side of things in my final year. I entered Berkeley intending to major in math but couldn’t stay away from dance so I would be happy to talk it through if you’re considering changing your major. I’m also involved with the dance community at Berkeley outside of the department as co-director of Tether Dance Company and would love to talk about that as well. Feel free to contact me with any questions!"

Chloe Foo
Majors: Theater & Performance Studies / Public Health
Focus Areas: Acting & Directing
Pronouns: she/her
Email: chloelfoo@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)
"I started my acting journey in high school which came with its own challenges that left me feeling like I never would have a chance in theater. In community college I had dipped my toes into what acting could mean to me in the future. When I took my first TDPS class, everything fell into place. I was met with a welcoming community that pulls each other up and is not afraid to make a statement. At Berkeley I have been able to direct student productions and produce/act in short films. Inside the classroom I have been able to expand my familiarity with classic plays, practice acting in safe environments, and learn about performance studies. I am a proud transfer student and double major in an interdisciplinary STEM field who would love to answer any of your questions about academic planning, clubs, how to succeed in class, resources on campus, and anything in-between. I am very happy to sit down with you, grab a boba, or hang out on Zoom."

Jordan Goldstein
Major: Theater & Performance Studies
Focus Areas: Technical Theater, Scenic Construction, Electrics & Lighting Design
Pronouns: he/him
Email: jgoldcaccia231@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)
"I have had an interest in the technical elements of performances since I was a little kid. I really began to get into the technical elements of theater when I was in high school and I have loved it ever since. Since coming to Berkeley I have loved all of the experiences that I have gained in the scenic and lighting spheres of theater. The regularly offered theater courses are a treasure trove of information that is well suited for understanding the intricacies of technical theater. On top of that, there are also amazing opportunities to get hands-on theater experience through taking a one-on-one course with professors through Theater 169, or any of the other advanced technical theater courses. The theater department also offers work-study which gives students even more opportunities to get hands-on work experience while getting some money for your time. In all, I love the theater department at Berkeley, and I feel that it is truly preparing me to work in the world of theater in the future."

Leo Kearney
Majors: Theater & Performance Studies / Film & Media
Focus Area: Acting
Email: leotzkearney@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)
"I've been involved with all forms of theater throughout my life, starting with dance lessons at the age of four, and including everything from acting in plays and musicals to directing different theatrical productions, as well as participating in the technical aspects of theater. However, I have found the most rewarding work I have done in my life to have occurred here at Cal! I will admit, I was a little intimidated to dive into this world as a freshman, but I quickly found a wide variety of opportunities with a wonderful and accepting community. Since arriving at Cal, I have completed the majority of the acting sequence, performed in five student-directed plays, participated in directing showcases, joined the board of a new theater company, and acted in a TDPS department production. As my focus is in acting, I will be able to answer questions regarding the acting major and various performing opportunities throughout campus, but I also have an interest in directing and would love to discuss opportunities for student directors to develop their skills here at Berkeley! I can also answer questions about double majoring, particularly with overlapping classes in other arts majors, like film."

Sabrina Lopez
Major: Dance & Performance Studies
Focus Areas: Performance, Sound Design & Music
Email: sabrinalopez8@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)
"I fell in love with dance ever since taking my first dance class when I was four. I continued dancing all throughout my adolescence and in high school I accelerated my dance education by attending my high school’s art magnet program for dance. I transferred to Cal from my local community college last year as a declared dance major. Along with dance, I am very interested in sound design and music within the department. I am involved in dance clubs on campus as well as constantly involved in artistic projects around the UC Berkeley community. Please feel free to reach out if you want more information on the department, the Dance and Performance Studies degree, transferring from a community college and just life on campus overall. I speak both Spanish and English and I can’t wait to chat with you!"

Erin Markham
Majors: Theater & Performance Studies / Gender & Women’s StudiesFocus Areas: Technical Theater & Scenic Construction
Pronouns: she/herEmail: erinkmarkham@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)
"Growing up in Los Angeles, I had theater, dance, and musical productions happening all around me. I never took much notice or thought twice about it until my middle school's production of Peter Pan. I was recruited by my English teacher to do run crew, and that's when I truly understood and fell deeply in love with the community, camaraderie, adrenaline, and passion that comes with being a part of live performance. When I started at Cal, I knew I wanted to pursue technical theater, but was unsure of what I specifically wanted to develop a focus in. My love for scenic carpentry and all things construction came while taking the scenic lab course, Theater 169. After that semester, my mind was set, and because of the way the department is structured, I’ve been able to take one-on-one independent courses with the lead carpenter to further my skills!"

Isabelle Morales
Majors: Theater & Performance Studies / Dance & Performance Studies
Focus Areas: Technical Theater, Theatrical Design, Stage Management, Directing, Acting, Dance
Pronouns: she/they
Email: isabelle.morales@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)
"I have a deep love for storytelling, and the theater has been my second home since I was two years old. I am well versed and comfortable onstage, backstage, and in the booth; with 3 years of improv, 4.5 years of acting, 5 years of vocal, 6.5 years of technical theater, and 12.5 years of dance training under my belt. I came to UC Berkeley expecting to solely focus on technical theater, as that had been my primary wheelhouse since being hired at the Firehouse Arts Center when I was 15. However, the encouraging and welcoming community of TDPS has motivated me to dive back into performing and go for the double department major! I aspire to be a jack of all trades—from building, to designing, to managing, to directing, to performing, to teching—every single aspect of the performing arts fascinates me. Feel free to reach about anything at all—classes (I was in FPF my first semester), student groups (proud member of Aro/Ace Space and Backstage at Berkeley, but I'm familiar with a bunch of them!), commuting (I lived at home in Pleasanton for my first 2 years), finding work (the theater scene in the Bay Area is vast!), your favorite shows, or even college hesitancy. I was really anxious about making the jump to college, and it definitely took me some time to adjust and make new friends. Once I was able to fully immerse myself in classes I was passionate about, however, I really fell in love with this department. It's truly the wonderful folks here that make it."

Kelly H. Mou
Major: Theater & Performance Studies
Focus Area: Acting
Pronouns: she/her
Email: kellyhmou@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)
"I've wanted to be an actor since I was eight. I would put on my mother’s fanciest dresses and pose for the stuffed animal paparazzi on the living room couch. My path to stardom continues, but instead of amusing my mother, I now spend hours upon hours in a black box theater with my scene partner, trying to figure out how to raise the stakes in our scene. I believe that acting is a process of discovery and questioning. I almost quit acting due to a speech impediment called cluttering, but something keeps drawing me back. Reach out whether you have questions or not—we can grab coffee! If you feel intimidated, just know that I constantly memorize my monologues the night before performing."

Daynna Rosales
Majors: Theater & Performance Studies / Computer Science
Pronouns: they/them
Email: dsrosales@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)
"I'm currently a double major in TDPS and in Computer Science! I'm not exactly sure what my focus is going to be within the TDPS department yet, so if you want to talk to somebody who's still trying out everything they can to get a feel for the program, I'm your person! I've been performing since I was five, taking dance classes as much as possible, and I switched to theater around twelve years old with a program in Long Beach called Act Out Theater Company. I've worked with them for so long, and I was even on a junior board for them when I was in high school! (If you're ever in the area, check it out! I love raving about them!) Since coming to Cal, I've tried to have my hands dipped in many different areas, so I've performed in some shows and did some producing work for theater clubs. I also work 4–5 days a week. If you want to know what it's like to be a working college student, or about double majoring in two different fields, I'm happy to share some of the knowledge I'm gaining! We're all in this together, and there's so many people you can reach out to if you ever have questions or need help with anything. Welcome to Cal!"

Katherine Shan
Focus Area: Acting
Pronouns: she/her
Email: rosh8342@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)

Kira Wefers
Majors: Theater & Performance Studies / Film & Media
Minor: Dance & Performance Studies
Focus Areas: Directing & Choreography
Pronouns: she/they
Email: kirawefers@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)
"When I came to Berkeley, I didn’t exactly know what I was meant to do, other than the fact that I knew I was driven by my desire to make art with wonderful people! Throughout my time here at Cal and in the TDPS department, I have found my voice as a director and choreographer! I have been engaged with theater, dance (hello dance minor!), music, technical theater, filmmaking, and many other aspects of art making throughout my childhood and well into my college career, and I absolutely love collaborating and connecting with other creatives! Currently I do all sorts of work as a director, choreographer, and trained intimacy choreographer, as well as a performer and filmmaker, and occasional lighting electrician! This coming year, I am completing an honors project through TDPS. I am available for ALL inquiries, especially those about double-majoring, minoring, and directing/choreographing, as well as questions about student-run theater and a cappella at Cal!"